03/12 18:28
More soldiers are needed to help save Venore!
03/12 18:23
Venore is under attack! Get somewhere safe!
03/12 18:20
Massive cobras and spiders seen approaching Venore! BEWARE!
03/12 18:18
The noisy streets of Venore are attracting some unwanted attention! Take shelter immediately!
03/12 15:43
Slowly but steady, the population of tortoises grows near Liberty Bay.
03/12 13:39
Majestic creatures with stripes roam the small desert at Meriana.
03/12 13:08
The barbarian pack is roaming around in Bittermor!
03/12 13:08
Barbarians are gathering at Bittermor. They seem to be up to something!
03/12 00:30
Rat Plague in Thais!
02/12 20:24
Run! Empowered Warlocks sighted east of Edron! There seems to be a very unholy gathering!
02/12 20:23
More monks have gathered at a stone circle west of Edron. Something terrible is going to happen!
02/12 20:22
Some monks have gathered at a stone circle west of Edron. They seem to be up to something.
02/12 19:20
Gargoyle attack inside of Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb!
02/12 19:20
There is something stony moving down in the Ankrahmun Rahemos tomb.
02/12 18:49
Creatures of the forrest have increased in numbers close to Ab'Dendriel!