29/01 05:52
Darashia is being overwhelmed by Diabolic beings!
29/01 05:49
The undead are attacking Darashia!
29/01 05:40
Sightings of undead, west of Darashia! Imminent invasion is suspected!
29/01 04:41
Orcs are attacking Rookgaard!
29/01 04:40
Rookgaard is overrun with orcs!
29/01 04:38
Orcs in Rookgaard have been seen moving in large groups.
29/01 03:05
Creatures of the forrest have increased in numbers close to Ab'Dendriel!
28/01 22:28
Dangerous Quara emerged from the sea to attack Liberty Bay!
28/01 22:27
Numerous Quara fins have been sighted in the seas around Liberty Bay.
28/01 22:26
Something is moving in the depths of the sea around Liberty Bay
28/01 21:26
Danger! Now the goblin leaders attack Kazordoon from Femor Hills!
28/01 21:25
Goblins attack from Femor Hills!
28/01 21:24
Goblins are preparing to attack Kazordoon from Femor Hills!
28/01 18:50
Orc numbers continue growing under Edron!
28/01 18:49
Deep under Edron, the Orc population seems to grow rapidly. Beware!