22/01 17:47
Rat Plague in Thais!
22/01 17:19
Orcs are attacking Rookgaard!
22/01 17:18
Rookgaard is overrun with orcs!
22/01 17:16
Orcs in Rookgaard have been seen moving in large groups.
22/01 16:51
The gates of Venore are under attack!
22/01 16:47
Elves have surrounded Venore!
22/01 16:45
A large clan of elves have been sighted headed towards the gates of Venore!
22/01 13:39
Goblins are converging west of Edron!
22/01 11:35
Creatures of the forrest have increased in numbers close to Ab'Dendriel!
22/01 09:34
Rookgaard is covered in dragonfire run for your lives!
22/01 09:31
The dragons have landed take cover inside the city!
22/01 09:31
Dragons seen flying towards Rookgaard. It's advised to stay within the city walls!
22/01 08:56
More soldiers are needed to help save Venore!
22/01 08:51
Venore is under attack! Get somewhere safe!
22/01 08:48
Massive cobras and spiders seen approaching Venore! BEWARE!